Stephen Cavanagh joins the cast of Stones in his Pockets for Theatre Royal Bath
Violet Patton Ryder shooting an episode of Eastenders.
Daniel Harlock joins the number one tour of Twirliwoos!
Hannah Blaikie starting with the Guildford Shakespeare Co. in 'Delight in Dream'.
Janine Leigh appearing in Aladdin in Westerhope, Newcastle.
Liam Woodlands Mooney appearing in adult panto 'Mother Goose' at Above The Stag Theatre.
Joe Reisig working on The Lady Vanishes for the Bill Kenwright Company
Nathaniel McCloskey working on Macbeth with Box Clever
Robin Hemmings working on 'Christmas Feast' at the Unicorn Theatre.
David Burton working on Beauty and the Beast at the Barking Broadway!
Jodi Broome shooting Shakespeare and Hathaway (BBC)
Gary Fannin appearing in Outlander as George Washington.
Celeste Collier working on Cinderella Rocks! - Garage Norfolk
Tom Hardman working on Football Freddie with Fidget Theatre
Tom Blake working on The Bear Who Went to War with From the Heart Theatre co.