Ed Allenby appearing all week in Horrible Christmas at the Lowry, Salford
Rhiann Francis begins 2017 in The Hunting Lodge at the Unicorn Theatre
Michelle Antrobus kicks off 2017 in Chicago with the David Grindrod co.
Great news for SNA's Zelina Rebeiro who will be joining the Everyman Company for their 5 play se
Elliot Burton, Keith Higinbotham and Charlotte Worthing all to kick off 2017 with the wonderful Youn
Gary Fannin shooting feature film : The Golden Circle
Elliot Burton busy on Alice through the Looking Glass at Brentwood Theatre
Lorna Jinks working on Little Red Riding Hood at Chelsea Theatre
Ed Allenby working on Horrible Christmas with the Birmingham Stage co.
Marianne March & Steve O' Halloran shooting A Very British Country House for BBC Worldwide
Gary Fannin appearing in Outlander as George Washington.
Celeste Collier working on Cinderella Rocks! - Garage Norfolk
Tom Hardman working on Football Freddie with Fidget Theatre
Tom Blake working on The Bear Who Went to War with From the Heart Theatre co.
Des Nealon working on Going Dutch (Fox TV)